This morning, Ruby Haegen was presented with the Rick Martin Service Award. This award goes to an 8th grade student who has shown service leadership in their class. Ruby was nominated by her teachers, as she is the epitome of a servant heart. You can find Ruby willing to help in any situation. Her service and kindness to everyone around her does not go unnoticed! Congrats, Ruby! #onetribe
over 4 years ago, Micah Heddins
This morning, Kyle Corkill was presented with the Abe Lincoln Region Principal’s Association Student Leadership Award. Each year students who show exemplary leadership skills are nominated to attended a banquet, with their family and principal, to receive this award. Kyle was voted by his teachers as this year’s recipient. Kyle is a great leader for his classmates and well-deserving of this award! Congratulations, Kyle! #onetribe
over 4 years ago, Micah Heddins
4th Quarter Breakfast of Champions: Benjamin and Dominic Mast nominated by Mrs. Bates. I feel like sixth graders in general rocked e-learning! Students were responsible, accountable and engaged, but Ben and Dom Mast surpassed all of my expectations. I’m confident that the boys would agree with my assessment that school work was never their favorite thing to do. They had games to play and cats to care for. However, when faced with the new challenge of e-learning, they knocked it out of the park. They joined every one of my Zoom sessions, participated in discussions, completed every assignment well and on time, and kept positive attitudes throughout the entire process. I would be remiss to not mention the incredible support system these boys have at home with a mother that was determined to help her boys succeed. Her enthusiasm for learning was instrumental in keeping the boys on track while learning digitally from home. I’m so proud of these boys and the work they put in over the last couple of months, and I hope they can be confident in their ability to be successful in school as they continue their educational career. They’ve both proven that they can rise to the occasion and accomplish anything that they set their minds to.
over 4 years ago, Mark Waelde
4th Quarter BoC
4th Qtr BoC
This morning, we presented the John Ruscin Award to one 8th grade boy and one 8th grade girl who exemplify the ideals that were stressed by Coach John Ruscin. These students are voted on by their teacher in the areas of Good Citizenship, Good Sportsmanship, Being a Team Player and having Respect for Teachers and Peers. Students also have to maintain a B Average in all of their classes. This years recipients are Jake Stewart and Kiley Dyer! Congratulations! #onetribe
over 4 years ago, Micah Heddins
This morning, Adan Mills was presented with the Joe Marks Award for Boys’ Basketball. Here is what Coach Typer had to say: This years 8th grade team had alot of guys that were athletic and talented in different ways to help their team. Even with talent, to be successful you have to have everyone play and practice hard and then take that over into a game and lead and execute. This year’s leader and hardest player, along with leading us in scoring and rebounds was Adan Mills. Congrats, Adan!! #onetribe
over 4 years ago, Micah Heddins
This morning, Tessa Seeley was presented with the Joe Marks Award for Volleyball. Here’s what Coach Martin had to say about Tessa: This year for the Joe Marks Award, I chose a girl who was a great asset to the team in many ways. This girl always kept a positive attitude, would pick up the team if they got down, worked her hardest every practice and game, asked questions to better herself and her team, would jump in whereever she was needed with no complaint, kept the team laughing, as well as, improved her serving, blocking, hitting, and digging skills throughout the season. This girl was a great team leader! For the 2020 middle school volleyball season, Tessa Seeley is the recipient of the Joe Marks Award. Congrats, Tessa! #onetribe
over 4 years ago, Micah Heddins
4th Quarter Breakfast of Champions: Jade Mckee nominated by Coach Bales Jade was in a P.E. class of over 40 students, mostly boys, and she never complained about having to wait for equipment, or for performing a skill with such a large, loud class. She always did what was asked of her and was always one of the volunteers who helped transport equipment, listened to instructions the first time and was helpful to all her classmates. Jade was even helpful in reminding me that I had Krispy Kreme donuts from a fundraiser. I , of course, forgot that I ordered them right before the COVID-19 shutdown. She emailed me and her parents brought her to the library to deliver them. She could have had some awesome donuts, because I had forgotten, but she did the right thing, as always, and delivered them to me. Thank you, Jade, for being an awesome young lady!!
over 4 years ago, Mark Waelde
4th Qtr BoC
SMS 4th Quarter Breakfast of Champions: Adien Davenport nominated by Ms. Garrett. From the very beginning of our e-learning, Adien has done a fantastic job! He put in the effort to turn in quality assignments. Adien logged in to weekly Zoom meetings and always had a smile on his face! I have enjoyed having Adien as both a 6th and 7th grade student. He works hard and is a smart, kind individual. Thank you Adien for setting a good example for your peers!
over 4 years ago, Mark Waelde
4th Qtr BoC
SMS 4th Quarter Breakfast of Champions Kylie Swaim & Addison Stollard were both nominated by Mrs. Wade While a lot of my students did very well over the course of the Fourth Quarter, from home, this year, Kylie and Addison both stood out. There were a couple of times where assignments I posted were not quite as I intended, or I accidentally set the date incorrectly for their class section. These two were polite and prompt in checking in with me to see if there was a problem and if it could be fixed. I was able to catch minor errors that could have turned into more major problems if they hadn’t noticed so quickly. Additionally, they were both diligent in completing their work, and sometimes asking for it a little bit earlier than I’d planned on posting. Their work was of high quality and it was obvious that they cared about their grades staying up despite the obstacle of doing things outside of the normal classroom environment.
over 4 years ago, Mark Waelde
BoC 4th
ATTENTION MIDDLE SCHOOL GOLFERS! Interested in having a shot at the IESA sectional golf meet in the fall? Please read the attached letter below! 🏌️‍♀️ ⛳️
over 4 years ago, Micah Heddins
Golf letter
SMS bids a fond farewell to the 8th Grade Class of 2020.
over 4 years ago, Mark Waelde
⚾️ ATTENTION MIDDLE SCHOOL BASEBALL PLAYERS ⚾️ Coach Badman has sent an email to boys currently in 5th, 6th and 7th grade about baseball next season!! Don’t miss your chance to get updates from Coach Badman as the summer goes on....Join his google classroom today! He sent the code to you all in an email, along with an introduction about himself! If you have questions, you can email him #onetribe
over 4 years ago, Micah Heddins
7th graders will be doing the “Up” project this week where they calculate how many balloons it takes to raise a small house. I wanted to open it up to anyone who wanted to guess. The pics will show the mass of the house and the upward force of 1 ballon is .043 N. The final video and answer will post on April 20th! Good luck calculating!
almost 5 years ago, Troy Rogers
Mass of house
Upward force of 1 balloon .043 N
The house
Can you guess how many lift it?
School Meal and Learning Packet Update This is a reminder that there will be no school meals served on Friday, April 10. Additionally, we are implementing a few new protocols to limit our staff and community exposure while continuing to provide fresh meals. Starting next week and moving forward, the Town Meals and Kitchen Pick-Up meals will be offered only on Tuesday (3 meals) and Friday (2 meals). Rural meals will continue to be delivered on Mondays and Thursdays with no changes. We apologize for the changes and hope to be able to maintain this schedule for the duration of the closure. We will have our Learning Packet Drop-Off and Pick-Up on Tuesday, April 14. from 1-6pm. Once again, SES students will drop off and pick up materials on the west side of SES, and SMS/SHS students will drop off and pick up items at the Commons. We hope that you are staying safe and healthy. We miss our kids and look forward to the time when we can see them again. Please continue to do your best, but do not hesitate to reach out to teachers with questions. Thanks for your continued support of Sullivan Schools!
almost 5 years ago, Mark Waelde
Starting today, Parents have access to monitor your student's iPad usage 24/7. Please see the following link for information. Also,video tutorials are available:
almost 5 years ago, Mark Waelde
Please click the link for an update from the Sullivan School District Superintendent Mr. Ted Walk. 3/14/2020.
almost 5 years ago, Mark Waelde
We have recieved a number of calls inquiring about the One Book One Sullivan Community Book Discussion that is scheduled for 6pm tonight at the First United Methodist Church. We do plan to continue with this event as planned. Obviously, we are always very excited about this event, and we love to see the amazing turnout of community members who are excited to discuss this year's book with our students; however, we also encourage everyone to make the best decision possible for their own individual health. If you are feeling any symptoms of a respiratory illness, we would ask that you abstain from this event. Also, if you have any health issues which have proven to be a concern for those who have contracted COVID-19, we would also ask that you abstain from this event. Thank you for your understanding, and we hope to see as many of you tonight as possible.
almost 5 years ago, Nathan Ogle
Come out tonight to support our Sullivan FFA Chapter as they have their annual auction fundraiser. This amazing group of kids work hard all yearlong and they would love to see you tonight in the High School Gym! A complimentary dinner will be served at 4:30, followed by the auction beginning at 6 p.m.
almost 5 years ago, Micah Heddins
6th grade students practiced solving equations with a fun breakout activity. Students had to solve the equations to figure out the code to get into the box, and then solve an additional challenge problem to earn a prize.
almost 5 years ago, Marissa Wright
6th grade math
Day off? Not for these girls!! Come watch our Lady Redskins take on Neoga in SMS Volleyball starting with 7th grade at 4:15 with 8th grade to follow! #onetribe
almost 5 years ago, Micah Heddins