
The Outside and inside continue to change. Dry wall, steel, tile and much more. Some descriptions are above the photos of what areas are being shown.

Outside between current High School and NEW High School

Outside between current High School and  NEW High SchoolOpposite of the Greenhouse.

Opposite of the Green HouseInside 1st Floor through the new hall connecting the current and new High School.

Inside 1st Floor through the new hall connecting the current and new High School.Just outside the new Gym .

Just outside the new Gym .Just outside the new Gym .Just outside the new Gym .The Unit Office Areas.

The Unit Office areas.The Unit Office areas.The Unit Office areas.One of the Classrooms.

One of the Classrooms.Classroom entrances.

ClassroomsInside the High School Office.

Inside the High School Office.One of the restrooms with some tile and the ceiling starting to take shape.

One of the restrooms with some tile and the ceiling starting to take shape.Various Gym views. The walking track's newly placed steel can be seen.

Various Gym views.Various Gym views.Various Gym views.Several exterior views.
