Congratulations to the Sullivan Marching Redskins on their 3rd place finish at the Morton High School Marching Invitational!
over 7 years ago, Erik Young
Great job by the students who planned, organized and presented the 9/11 Ceremony today! Special thanks to Ms. Becky Lawson for leading this great group of students!
over 7 years ago, Erik Young
9/11 Ceremony
Thank you to Ofc. Kenny Edwards, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (SHS'91), Chief Jim Waggoner (SPD), Mrs. Lee (SMS), and Kenny Graven (SFD) for speaking at our 9/11 ceremony today. Special thanks to all our first responders and military serving and protecting our country today!
over 7 years ago, Erik Young
9/11 Ceremony
Today marked the 16th Anniversary of 9/11. SHS and SMS students participated in student lead assembly honoring the military, first responders, and those who tragically lost their lives on this day.
over 7 years ago, Erik Young
9/11 Ceremony
Mrs. Hardimon's Algebra Concept students played "Flip and Roll" today. They had to use strategy while practicing addding and subtracting both positive and negative integers.
over 7 years ago, Kristie Hardimon
SOV student section tonight is pumped for the game!
over 7 years ago, Erik Young
Friday at SHS - Mrs. Isaacs makes a guest appearance in Honors English III. Students wrote directions Mrs. Isaacs had to follow. Her picture turned out pretty close to what was intended.
over 7 years ago, Erik Young
Friday at SHS - Students learning proper technique in Welding Class.
over 7 years ago, Erik Young
"Real Men Wear Pink" home football tonight at 7PM against Shelbyville High School. Unable to attend? Watch it live!
over 7 years ago, Mark Waelde
SHS Student Council Spaghetti Supper going on now until 7PM! Adults-$8 & Child-$6. Come support a great student organization!
over 7 years ago, Erik Young
Sullivan High School FFA members attended the 2017 Farm Progress Show today in Decatur.
over 7 years ago, Erik Young
Tonight, SHS Volleyball is in action! Watch it live on JV 6:00PM -(new address) Varsity 7:00PM -
over 7 years ago, Mark Waelde
Tonight, SHS Volleyball is in action! Watch it live on JV 6:00PM - Varsity 7:00PM -
over 7 years ago, Mark Waelde
Sullivan High School Open House Tonight @ 6PM. Hope to see you here!
over 7 years ago, Erik Young
Welcome back! We are ready! Looking forward to a great year!
over 7 years ago, Erik Young
Sullivan High School Open House - Thursday, August 17th - 6PM
over 7 years ago, Erik Young
Freshman Academy - Monday, August 14 - 11AM
over 7 years ago, Erik Young
SHS Player-Parent meeting for Golf, FB Cheer, VB, XC, and Girls Swim is 6:30 tonight in SHS Gym
over 7 years ago, Ryan Aikman
Freshman Academy will be held August 14th from 11AM-3PM at Sullivan High School. This is open to all incoming Freshman.
over 7 years ago, Erik Young
SHS Marching Band Camp will be July 31st through August 4th from 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
over 7 years ago, Mark Waelde