Sullivan High School continues to work to find ways to motivate and reward students. As a result, we are beginning a new incentive program starting Friday, November 10. Following is an explanation of how the program will work.
Every Thursday morning a grade report will run for the high school. Students earning a C- or above in all classes will be allowed to leave at 2:30 PM on Friday of that week. Students earning a D or F in any class will stay on campus until 3:15PM. These students will be placed in small groups with teachers to help the student improve their grade(s). Parents and students will be notified via email (email address in Skyward) and through your Skyward account, if your student will be remaining at school until 3:15PM on that Friday. These messages will be sent by Thursday afternoon each week. No message will be sent if your student meets the incentive.
Students meeting the incentive will be expected to leave campus immediately following the 2:30PM bell. Students needing to remain on campus (do not have permission from parent/guardian, no permission form on file, ride a bus, have practice, do not have a ride, etc) will report to an “Incentive Area” in the high school, until 3:15PM.
Please note, eligibility for extracurricular activities will continue to run on Friday mornings and is completely separate from this program. Additionally, if there is no school any given Friday (holiday, School Improvement Day, etc) this program will not run.
Parent/Guardians must grant permission for their student to leave at 2:30PM Fridays. A link to the permission slip can be found here. These forms will be kept on file in the high school office. Your choice can be updated at anytime.
If at anytime you have questions, please contact the high school office at (217) 728-8311.